Not Even a Face where Death Could Have Stamped its Seal (Reflections on the desaparecidos and Memory)


  • Héctor Schmucler


Presentation by Paula Hunziker

Héctor “Toto” Schmucler always lovingly accompanied the editorial group of this Journal in the adventure, begun in 2008, of creating and sustaining the Hannah Arendt International Conference in our country. With a serene voice, fearless of being outdated, he was there to question without fanfare and emphatic reasons. His essays, such as the one that we present in this first issue of Pescadora, offer not only a careful reading of the work of Hannah Arendt, but also an attempt to think -with the company of the German Jewish thinker- the dilemmas and sorrows of the Argentine and Latin American present.


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Arendt, H. (1991). L’image de l’enfer. En Auschwitz et Jerusalem. Deux aos Tierce.

Cossa, R. (24 de marzo de 1996). La respuesta va a ser terrible. Página 12, suplemento cultural.

Eloy Martínez, T. (13 de agosto de 1975). El miedo de los argentinos”. La Opinión.

Jankélévitch, V. (1987). La mala conciencia. Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Levi, P. (1987). Si esto es un hombre. Muchnik.

Loraux, N. (1995). Madres en duelo. De la equis.

Quiroga, H. y Tcach, C. (comps.) (1996). A veinte años del golpe. Homo Sapiens.

Revault d’Allones, M. (1995). Ce qui l’homme fait à l’homme. Du Seuil.

Rousset, D. (1965). L’univers concentrationnaire. Du Minuit.

Schmucler, H. (1995). Formas del olvido. Confines 1.

Vidal-Naquet, P. (1994). Los asesinos de la memoria.Siglo XXI.



How to Cite

Schmucler, H. (2022). Not Even a Face where Death Could Have Stamped its Seal (Reflections on the desaparecidos and Memory). Pescadora De Perlas. Revista De Estudios Arendtianos, 1(1), 237–245. Retrieved from