Review of El tercer Reich de los sueños by C. Beradt. Trans. and Preface by L. Levi and S. Nívoli, Afterword and Notes by B. Hahn. Santiago de Chile, LOM, 2019, 145 pp.


  • Claudia Bacci Universidad de Buenos Aires


Hannah Arendt, dreams, nazism, totalitarianism


El Tercer Reich de los sueños is, without a doubt, a unique and disturbing book. Written by the journalist Charlotte Beradt from the notes she took in Berlin between 1933 and 1939 on "the dream production of the inhabitants of the Third Reich" (9)–as Leandro Levi and Soledad Nívoli point out in the precise Prologue to the edition in Castilian-, the haphazard collection seemed to provide clues about totalitarian drift when still, in the waking or conscious life of Berliners, these manifestations were barely perceptible. This "dream archive" made up of dreams of ordinary people, neighbors, friends, colleagues and patients, neighborhood merchants, and relatives, survived thanks to masking and dissemination operations through letters sent across the ocean, which allowed Beradt to reconstruct them in this book first published in 1966 in German.


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Berardt, C. (2019). El tercer Reich de los sueños. Prólogo L. Levi y S. Nívoli, Posfacio y notas B. Hahn. LOM.



How to Cite

Bacci, C. (2022). Review of El tercer Reich de los sueños by C. Beradt. Trans. and Preface by L. Levi and S. Nívoli, Afterword and Notes by B. Hahn. Santiago de Chile, LOM, 2019, 145 pp. Pescadora De Perlas. Revista De Estudios Arendtianos, 1(1), 258–262. Retrieved from