Law, Resistance and Civil Disobedience in Hannah Arendt


  • Odilio Alves Aguiar Universidade Federal do Ceará


law, resistence, civil desobedience, outlaw


The purpose of this article is to test the hypothesis that, in view of the relationship between law and resistance in Arendt, it is possible to think of a law beyond the legal, the result of resistance, which is constituted from the struggles, in the form of "right to have rights” and, also, civil conquests, in function of resistant civil disobedience. In this sense, we will follow the understanding of the “outlaw” as a paradigm for thinking about law in Hannah Arendt.


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How to Cite

Alves Aguiar, O. (2022). Law, Resistance and Civil Disobedience in Hannah Arendt. Pescadora De Perlas. Revista De Estudios Arendtianos, 1(1), 19–31. Retrieved from