Arendt almost Argentine


  • Horacio González


Presentation by Carolina Rusca

Horacio González's writings make up an essential part of Argentine national thought and of our conversation in the public arena. In this brief article that we present here, Horacio González portrays Hannah Arendt as “an intellectual in permanent exile”. She escapes the Weimar Republic, but she also cautiously evades the isms, the classical classifications of the traditional political theory, and the intellectual world´s awkward silences in the face of horror. Like Horacio himself, she thought so many times against the grain.


Arendt, H. [1958] La condición humana.

Arendt, H. [1968] Hombres en tiempos de oscuridad.

Arendt, H. [1963] Sobre la revolución

Arendt, H. [1975] La vida del espíritu

Arendt, H. [1951] Los orígenes del totalitarismo

Arendt, H. [1963] Eichmann en Jerusalén




How to Cite

Arendt almost Argentine. (2022). Pescadora De Perlas. Revista De Estudios Arendtianos, 1(1), 230-236.