The (un)chaining phantasy


  • Santiago Candia University of Buenos Aires (UBA) - Argentina


psychosis, phantom, rupture, stabilization


In this paper the reader will find an approach to the notion of the phantasy in psychosis. This notion unfolds fundamentally in two times, the time of the unchaining of the psychotic symptomatology until its stabilization by means of a phantasmatic signifier. For this preliminary work there will be a clinical support in the text written by Schreber, from which two central moments are extracted, triggering and chaining of the psychotic structure.


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Author Biography

Santiago Candia, University of Buenos Aires (UBA) - Argentina

Docente e investigador de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Mail:


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How to Cite

Candia, S. (2023). The (un)chaining phantasy. Pathos, 5, 59–64. Retrieved from