Anguish: from limit to compass

That which does not deceive


  • Marisa Fernanda Viola Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) - Argentina


neurosis, cast, object a, cause


The concept of anguish, present in the work of Sigmund Freud from the beginnings of psychoanalysis, gains different statuses throughout his work. Initially presented as the limit of what can be analysed, it takes a turn and becomes -no more and no less than- the center of interest regarding neurosis. The later developments carried out by Jacques Lacan, will place it as a compass that guides the analyst in the direction of the cure, "what does not deceive"; It will also be the conceptual reference for the formulation of the object "a", and from there the advent of a new stage for psychoanalysis.

This article will try to identify the turns that this concept has gone through, through a historical journey of it and its impact on theory and practice; from the beginnings of psychoanalysis, to the Lacanian developments of the years 1962-63.


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How to Cite

Viola, M. F. (2022). Anguish: from limit to compass: That which does not deceive. Pathos, 4, 61–72. Retrieved from


