Slimming mania (Abmagerunssucht)

Contributions of the Rat Man to the clinic of anorexia


  • Rodrigo Abínzano Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) - Argentina


mania, delirium, anorexia, drive, obsessional neurosis


In this article we address the "mania to lose weight". A term with Freudian roots, we highlight the essence of said presentation in the history of the Rat Man and his contributions to the clinic of anorexia. Realizing the validity of the Freudian histories, our work emphasizes the multiple contributions and clarifications they present, as opposed to the perspectives that consider them obsolete. The location and structure of the mania for losing weight works as a methodological example of the dialectic that is configured with Freud's clinical procedure, which produces an opening effect. The presentation of it as indirect suicide, its differentiation from delusional productions, its proximity to other types of mania and its relationship with anorexia are the coordinates that ordered our investigation. Finally, in a closing section, we establish the conclusions we arrived at and the further lines of investigation.


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How to Cite

Abínzano, R. (2022). Slimming mania (Abmagerunssucht): Contributions of the Rat Man to the clinic of anorexia. Pathos, 4, 73–85. Retrieved from



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