
Between expansions, siftings and questions



masochism, medicine, perversion, psychoanalysis, psychiatry


We provide an approach to the topic of masochism by sorting it out into four different movements: first, Krafft Ebing’s introduction of the concept into the medical field. Second, Freud’s expansion to a wider participation in human’s sexual life. Such expansion goes on, and leads Reik into considering it as a “general attitude towards life”. Only with Lacan’s distinction between the other and the Other, a more accurate reading of the masochistic phenomenon can be possible in what we qualify as a sifting. Lastly, the fourth movement is what leaves us with the interrogation: what does masochism make us think nowadays?


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Author Biography

Juan Manuel Ferraro, Universidad Nacional de Rosario - Argentina

Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR, Argentina). Maestrando en Psicoanálisis. Hospital Provincial de Rosario, Argentina.




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How to Cite

Ferraro, J. M. (2021). Masochism: Between expansions, siftings and questions. Pathos, 3, 60–67. Retrieved from



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