Resonances of psychoanalysis in universities


  • Gigliola Foco Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


University, psychoanalysis, teaching, knowledge, resonances


As its title indicates, this paper aims to work on the place of psychoanalysis in the University. Thequestion that will guide this elaboration will refer to how to think about psychoanalysis transmission inthe University environment, temple of knowledge-for-all, distancing it from learning. In this way, it willaim to think about how a noisy and provocative teaching, which houses the impossible to teach,sneaks into the interstices of the knowledge wall erected by the university. How to make the thoughtresonate in the dormant ears of the university students? How to make this walls a sounding board? Atthis point, this paper will wonder about the presence of the analyst who, circulating in the institution,allows to place the gap in the university discourse, enter a pause and enable the question about desire.


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How to Cite

Foco, G. (2019). Resonances of psychoanalysis in universities. Pathos, 1(1), 55–60. Retrieved from