Hysterical insanities and rigid hysteria


  • Lucía Benchimol Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)


Classical hysteria, hysterical madness, rigid histeria, body, defenses, knots


Classical hysteria, hysterical madness and rigid hysteria explode the neurosis-psychosis dichotomy.Classical hysteria holds the body in the armor of father’s love, which allows to defend himself againstthe irruptions of joy. The hysterical madness can use the armor of father’s love, but the knot in the faceof the traumatic event can be released and become independent from each other, causing thehallucinatory, delusional, paranoid defenses to emerge. And finally, the rigid hysteria is maintainedwithout this reference, there is no symptom in the fourth knot mode either but the phallus appears as atestimony of the real. Here it is the realization of the repetition in the real that crystallizes the structureand holds the records. If we do not have the resource of the knots for the reading of these clinicalmanifestations, we get entangled in imaginary debates. Reading a case with the knots serves to locatethe structure in its uniqueness.


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How to Cite

Benchimol, L. (2019). Hysterical insanities and rigid hysteria. Pathos, 1(1), 22–29. Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/pathos/article/view/27162