Groping: Love and learning in the analytic cure


  • Carolina Koretzky Université de Paris 8


Love demand, imaginary love, symbolic love, real love


In psychoanalysis, there ́s not the idea that love can be learn or teached. But we can try the exercise.The method will be to begin from the lacanian distinction of love in those three regiters: imaginary,symbolic and real. Then, the topic will not be abord by the side of the simetry of love but the dissymmetry in the figures ofthe lover and the beloved. It allows us to rethink the question: To love, ¿can be learned in anpsychoanalysis? Without any pretension neither false promises, this perspective allows us to say yes,an analysis can teaches us to love.The analysis will not satisfied but to articulate the signifiers of the love demand.


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How to Cite

Koretzky, C. (2019). Groping: Love and learning in the analytic cure . Pathos, 1(1), 9–14. Retrieved from