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About the Journal

Nexo Agropecuario is a socio-technological dissemination journal of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences (FCA) of the National University of Córdoba (UNC), which aims to communicate research, extension and teaching activities in the field of Agricultural Sciences. The main recipients of the magazine are professionals, technicians, extensionists, students, communicators and producers linked to the agricultural sector.

Current Issue

No. Edición Especial (2024): "12th Public-Private Exchange Workshop (JIAPP)"
					View No. Edición Especial (2024): "12th Public-Private Exchange Workshop (JIAPP)"

✅ The objective of the Conference is to generate a space for exchange in which graduate students from the different Graduate Schools (EPG) of agronomy in the country present the state of progress of their graduate theses on extensive crops of national and regional interest, related to five thematic axes:
???? Eco-physiology
???? Diagnosis
???? Management
???? Protection
???? Improvement

Published: 2024-05-28

Reports of results/advances

View All Issues

Nexo Agropecuario is a socio-technological dissemination journal of the Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias (FCA) of the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC), which aims to communicate research, extension and teaching activities in the field of Agricultural Sciences. The main recipients of the magazine are professionals, technicians, extensionists, students, communicators and producers linked to the agricultural sector.