Feminist Anarchives: Itineraries from the Institutional Fund Alieda Verhoeven


  • Camila Kevorkian independiente


Archival Turn, South Feminisms, Anarchival Practices


What does a material subversion of records imply in an institutional archive? How do the flows of becoming-with flow between the interference to the canonical linearity of the archive and the modes of life it propitiates? How does the co-implication of material alliances between archival bodies, recording and archiving bodies, militant bodies, and the bodies we investigate, de-archive, discourse?

In resonance with these questions, this body of text embraces the notion of anarchiving from a feminist perspective as opposed to the canonical and reproductive conception of archiving as a biocolonial technology. In a situated manner, it takes as a field of deployment the Alieda Verhoeven Institutional Fund, belonging to the militant, pedagogical and affective practices of the Ecumenical Women's Group, organized, systematized and safeguarded from its creation in 1970 until its dissolution in 2010 by Alieda Verhoeven and her partner Lynn Fisher, to think of it as a feminist anarchive in order to nurture other documentary practices for living on a damaged planet.


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How to Cite

Kevorkian, C. (2023). Feminist Anarchives: Itineraries from the Institutional Fund Alieda Verhoeven. Interstices of Politics and Culture. Latin American Interventions, 12(23). Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/intersticios/article/view/41130