Overlapping cultures. A discussion on identity in the NOA Philosophy network


  • Inti Lautaro Diaz Moran UNSE-CONICET


cultural identity, overlaps, crossbreeding, region, NOA Philosophy Conference


The article proposes an argumentative reconstruction of a debate held in the founding stage of the NOA Philosophy network. This specific philosophical dialogue carried out by authors from the region, one from Tucuman and the other from Santiago, was maintained for a sustained period of time thanks to the operation of the network, as a result of the regular holding of an academic event that brings together its members: the Jornadas de Philosophy of the NOA. In this case, we analyze the philosophical dialogue maintained by Antonio Kinen and Gaspar Risco Fernández, at the end of the 20th century, around cultural identity with a perspective located at a regional level and with a national projection.


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How to Cite

Diaz Moran, I. L. (2022). Overlapping cultures. A discussion on identity in the NOA Philosophy network. Interstices of Politics and Culture. Latin American Interventions, 11(21), 134–161. Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/intersticios/article/view/37660