We, the others. The exercise of rights in the “Marcha de la gorra”


  • Magali Dianela Herranz Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


performativity, mourning, precarization, otherness


Who are we "us"? What edges meet us, what limits gather us, what exclusions produce us? And who are "the others"? What is the trace that expels them? In what way are their lives administeres from state institutions? Is it from the systematic omission? Is it from the blinding promise of security? In this paper I will propose an analysis on the problem and the possibility of the construction of those "us", particularly in relation to the configurations that they adopt in and around the annual event of the March of the Cap in Córdoba. Without ignoring that perhaps pointing out the limits of "us" and "the others" is, as Butler says, an insoluble problem, I try in these pages to give an account of the ways in which these otherness are built from the state violence in the province of Córdoba. I also emphasize here the ways in which the sectors of the population that are harmed meet, build community and take public space within the framework of the March. There they act some of the rights that are denied to them and they give account of the precarity of which they are object daily, doing the public duel by the deaths that the society - the other "us" - does not cry. Noting, in short, that they resist the policies of misery, expropriation, murder and systematic violence to which they are subjected by a differential government of life, a racist State. And it is through that resistance that they become a community, that they affirm themselves as lives.


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Author Biography

  • Magali Dianela Herranz, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
    Profesora y Licenciada en Filosofía, docente integrante del Proyecto "Filosofar con Niñxs", actualmente cursando el doctorado en Filosofía (con beca de CONICET) y la Maestría en Bioética


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How to Cite

We, the others. The exercise of rights in the “Marcha de la gorra”. (2018). Interstices of Politics and Culture. Latin American Interventions, 7(14), 50-70. https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/intersticios/article/view/20013