The "other one", the Malinche, the Chingada


  • Ana María Morales Troya Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales


Colonialism, rape, femenine bodies, gender ideology, feminisms


This article seeks to relate colonial practices in Latin America and the relationship between territorial conquests with the rape and murder of women's bodies. Three texts that are interconected show the figure of  La Malinche as traitor, raped mother, conquered women/people that exists until now in a persistent coloniality. In this way, two advanced colonial dynamics are defined: the extractive activities and territorial invasions in Latin America, and the  discourse of “gender ideology as a threat”.

Finally the diverse struggles of women to defend their territory, dignified life and the "true freedom" are displayed.


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Author Biography

  • Ana María Morales Troya, Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales

    Lic. En Artes Liberales. Colaboradora en “Programa Poscolonialidad, pensamiento fronterizo y transfronterizo en los Estudios Feministas”, IDAES/Universidad Nacional de San Martín.

    Agradezco a todas las mujeres que motivaron la escritura de este artículo, que sus voces pensamientos y luchas se plasman en el texto. También agradezco a Karina Bidaseca y a todas las compañeras del curso “Género, Cultura y Poder” dictado en la UNSAM; a Hugo Benavides por presentarme a otra Malinche en La Paz.




How to Cite

The "other one", the Malinche, the Chingada. (2016). Interstices of Politics and Culture. Latin American Interventions, 5(10), 93-107.