Geografías cotidianas de la pandemia: oportunidades y reflexiones sobre la enseñanza


  • Andrea Ajón Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Geografía “Romualdo Ardissone”. Grupo INDEGEO. Argentina
  • Patricia Souto Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Geografía “Romualdo Ardissone”. Grupo INDEGEO. Argentina.


The COVID-19 pandemics affecting the world since the beginning of 2020 has distorted the world geography. Within this context of change, revision of models and strategies in many different aspects and dimensions, education faces many challenges. This paper intends to present some provisional thoughts and ideas derived from our experience as teachers at secondary school and university. The focus will be on the opportunities that these accelerated changes pose to make a revision on our ways of seeing the world and our geography teaching practices.
These thoughts are organized around a few questions. How does the pandemic experience challenge teachers and students? How can an analysis about the immediate daily space, the place, be stimulated at the geography class? What are the opportunities of virtual education to rethink our teaching practices? Which are the most powerful or suitable resources for teaching in this context? How can the analysis of the territorial dimension of education help us to understand the unfold strategies?


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How to Cite

Geografías cotidianas de la pandemia: oportunidades y reflexiones sobre la enseñanza. (2021). Cardinalis, 9(16), 7-23.