Alcides Greca and his Contribution to Construction of Identities in the Littoral of Santa Fe

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Mariela Coudannes Aguirre


This paper analyzes the work of Alcides Greca, reformist university professor, writer, politician and filmmaker, author of discourses that impacted the construction of identities in the first half of the twentieth century in the Argentine Littoral. The dominant narrative in the capital city of Santa Fe attributed to this region a unit based on certain key geographical and historical features, for example, the mission of "civilizing" and emancipate independent country. For Rosario, however, it was important to claim a second phase of colonization that came from immigration and foreign capital. The study aims to break with these seemingly monolithic visions and learn different perspectives. It is interesting to investigate the ideas of Greca, often ambiguous, about regional identities linked to the results of the modernization, the resolution of the "problem" of Indian, Americanist ideals and enhancement of the interior.


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