Prison ideas in the legal field from Córdoba. 1885–1911

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Milena Luciano


This paper seeks to make a first approach to
some of the ideas that layed the foundations
for the prison reform in Córdoba. To do so, we
examine the theoretical traditions present in
two doctoral thesis made by students of the
Faculty of Law (UNC). Those proposals,
characterized by its eclectic points of view, are
approached from a comparative perspective,
analyzing representations about crime and
punishment, prison systems proposed, the
role given to the local context and the
relationship they established between
rehabilitation and the accused´s productivity.


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Author Biography

Milena Luciano, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Estudiante de Licenciatura y Profesorado en Historia. Ayudante alumna del equipo de investigación en el proyecto Justicia, criminalidad y modernización punitiva: instituciones, prácticas y representaciones. Córdoba, 1853-1914 (Segunda Parte) , dirigido por la Mgtr. Liliana Chaves y aprobado en la convocatoria de subsidios SECyT -UNC para el período 2012-2013.