Make visible the landscape of fear. An approach from the spatiality and temporality

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Estela Valdés
Silvina Cayo
Marcos Farías Pautasso


This work is part of an ongoing research project developed by the Department of Human Geography, School of History, based at the Research Centre of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities (CIFFyH), National University of Cordoba.
It addresses the problem of spatialities and temporalities, inserted in the context of new approaches to research in the field of geography in the concrete territorial in the Campus of the National University of Córdoba. Based on the concept of geographical space as a product and social construction, integral time, the analysis tries to incorporate the subjective dimensions. The reference is to the experiences that are located in the structuring and structured a series of spatial and temporal dimensions that articulate the space of fear, constituting the landscape "invisible" that generate insecurity and, in all its materiality, the individual rebel perceived, and represents the experience. It is then, to analyze how the landscape, with its wealth of content and form, guides the particular practices of different social actors through the daily movement in space-time experience, can identify invisible spaces of fear; that is, visible from these sites objective and subjective conditions that different actors warn of this problem and incorporate it into the management agenda.


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