Workers, War Economy and General Strike. Porto Alegre, 1942 - 1945

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Paula García Schneider


From 1942 to 1945, the workers ofPorto Alegrewere immersed in what could be called a war economy. That economy had consequences in their quality of life, given the scarcity, speculation and progressive loss of the real wages. Also, despite the implementation of the Estado Novo in 1937, an attempt to placate the workers; in 1942, with the involvement of Brazil in the Second World War and with the purpose of intensifying production, the legislation that protected workers was whittled down.

Considering the information about food shortages and the increase in the cost of living, the impact on the life of the Porto Alegre worker is analyzed, as well as, the manner in which in 1945, the workers started a strike movement in the context of the crisis of the Estado Novo. 


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