Public Health Nursing in Santiago de Chile and Buenos Aires. The Quinta Normal and Villa Soldati by the mid-20th century

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Ana Laura Martin
Karina Ramacciotti


In this paper, we will explore two experiences in Public Health Nursing by the mid-20th century. One of them was in the Quinta Normal neighborhood in Santiago de Chile between 1944 to 1952 under the auspices of The Rockefeller Foundation, and the other was in Villa Soldati neighborhood in Buenos Aires in 1947. This paper seeks to explore these two Social Medicine experiences, understood as prevention, cure, and health dissemination interventions carried out by nurses specialized in Public Health. Both proposals were intertwined due to the contacts that the nurses had established during their training. The archive corpus features official documents from these two experiences, from the reports and interventions by the nurses and doctors who participated at community, institutional and professional levels, and from the archives of The Rockefeller Foundation.


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