A Leper Man is not the Same as a Leper Woman. Marriage Debit and Medical Discourse in the Late Middle Ages

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Alejandro Morin


This paper analyzes the sex-differentiated treatment in regard to marriage debit in Alfonso the Wise’s Partidas according to its commentary written in 1555 by Gregorio López. In this gloss, medical references are involved that pose different risks of contagion for the healthy spouse of a leper man or of a leper woman. This medical discourse is mobilized within the framework of some theological references that ensure the sustaining of a socially sanctioned order of precedence through the corresponding disparity of treatment. The prescriptive isolation of lepers in the Middle Ages raised a set of legal issues to be resolved. Among them, it was necessary to establish under which conditions the marriage debit should be made effective. Gregorio López’s gloss refers us to a thesis of Peter Paludanus that posed this sex-differentiated treatment according to statements coming from the medicine of the time. In this paper, López’s legal and theological references are crossed with the postulates of late medieval and early modern gynecology.


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