Democracy in Polybius: An Approach to Political Thought in the Hellenistic World

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Diego Alexander Olivera


The continuity or decline of democracy in the Hellenistic world is still a matter of contro­versy in contemporary historiography on the Ancient World. That is not the case in the His­tory of the Ideas, where the Athenian model represents the core of every theory on ancient democracy. Thus, political philosophies on Hellenistic democracies, as compared to those on Athens, are characterized by a retreat or fading of the popular involvement. However, in the light of recent scholarship, it is necessary to treat as relative the level of decline of de­mocracy in the Hellenistic world, as well as its place in political thought as a whole, and par­ticularly in that of Polybius. Book 2, in which it is described the history of the Achaean Confederation, is full of references to democra­cy and it seems to indicate that it still has a central place in Polybius’ political ideas.


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