Time in Historik. Essay of historiographical criticism

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María Eugenia Gay


This article is dedicated to the analysis of the idea of temporality embedded in Reinhart Koselleck’s Historik in light of the theoretical discussion around the interpretive but also political consequences born by different phi­losophies of history, more or less tacitly con­tained in proposals which present them­selves as purely methodological and endorse the criteria of objectivity and the scientific nature of historical practice. With base on Koselleck’s theoret­ical texts and on his debate with two of his greatest teachers, Hans-Georg Gadamer and Martin Heidegger, we propose a reading of Historik’s phi­losophy of history and a reflex­ion on its advantages and disadvantages for the challenges of contempo­rary historiog­raphy.


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Author Biography

María Eugenia Gay, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Dra. en Historia, profesor Asistente en la escuela de Historia UNC, Miembro del Centro de Historia Intelectual en la UNQ.


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