From the “Perón Vuelve” until the day that Perón came back. Ezeiza 1973, perceptions of a return

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Leonardo Mario Fonte


This work focuses on analyzing a series of issues that took place during June 20th 1973 in Ezeiza in the context of the eve for the return of Juan Domingo Perón to Argentina. In first place, it will be attempted to define if the concept of “Massacre”, in a semantic way, keeps a correlation with the events that developed during that day. Secondly, an analysis will be made to see if it is possible to asseverate that the “Peronist left-wing movement” was an innocent victim of a bloodbath made intentionally to displace Cámpora and take the power. Finally, we will examine how on June 20th 1973 the contradictions between Montoneros and Perón became evident and how these differences, in the end, were reflected in the incidents.


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