Organizations of Civil Society and Local Peronism. Cooptation or Autonomy? The Case of the Neighborhood Associations of Río Cuarto at the Time of the First Peronism

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Celia Cristina Basconzuelo


This article intends to analyze the relationship of based partnerships established local peronism. These constitute the unit of analysis that is chosen, and will be understood as civil society organizations. From this case study will demonstrate that entities existing fomentistas during the Peronist years maintained its flagship activities, peronism not occluded that dynamic civil but sought to control and regulate it legally, also got peronizar some of them but did not take place as well with organizations that peronism terminals were formed over the years. Moreover, these grew geometrically over the posperonismo. On the basis of journalistic sources, assembly records and interviews with vecinalistas that they were the genesis of the movement in 1954, he realizes the defense of autonomy and efforts at co-opting municipal in Rio Cuarto, a city in southern Cordoba.


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Celia Cristina Basconzuelo

Docente de la UNRC. Investigadora del CONICET