Eugenio Troisi. The Intellectual Itinerary of an Italian Socialist Immigrant in Modern Argentine

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Maria Teresa Monterisi


This research aims at reconstructing Eugenio Troisi’s intelectual route, in order to analyze his contribution to the cultural, political and ideological debate that accompanied the modernization of Argentina from the end of the eighties to the middle of the forties.

He is a writer and journalist from Gorizia, who emigrated to Córdoba in 1889 and then established in Buenos Aires. By Reading his journalistic writings, books and personal mail we have tried to recognize which position he held in the field of ideas and the political practice, with his rich ideological and cultural background that, when he arrived, consisted of the French Naturalism, the principles of the Risorgimento and his admiration for Garibaldis’ epic. In addition, it is worth to add his political experience as a member of the anarchist Franco-Italian circles.

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Author Biography

Maria Teresa Monterisi

Licenciada y Profesora de Historia, egresada en 1981/1982 de la Escuela de Historia de la F.F.y H de la Universidad Nacional de Cordoba. Entre 1985 y 1994, Ayudante y Jefe de Trabajos Practicos de la Catedra de Historia Argentina I "B". Investigadora del tema "Inmigrantes italianos en la ciudad de Cordoba, 1850/1914". Diversas publicaciones referidas al argumento entre 1989 y 2004. Actualmente residente en Palermo, Italia, donde colabora esporadicamente con la Universidad de Palermo como "experto externo" y/o disertante sobre temas de cultura e historia hispanoamericana y argentina. Continua su labor de investigadora sobre inmigracion italiana en Cordoba.