Introduction to the dossier: “Political Exiles in Latin America and the Caribbean, 20th Century: Challeges of a Fragmented Interdisciplinar Field”

Main Article Content

Jorge Christian Fernández
Mario Ayala


This dossier entitled “Political exiles in Latin America and the Caribbean, 20th century: challenges of a fragmented interdisciplinary field” aims to promote a historical and historiographical discussion of the phenomenon of Latin American and Caribbean exile throughout the 20th century based on proposals from articles that address three axes: 1. Exiles and transnational solidarity; 2. Comparative or regional-transnational scale analysis; 3. Asylum and refuge policies. As a result of an open call, the dossier was made up of eight articles, all coming from different researchers and natives of various places in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Article Details

Dossier: Exilios políticos en América Latina y el Caribe en el siglo XX: desafíos de un campo interdisciplinario fragmentado


Sznadjer, M. y Roniger, L. (2013). La política del destierro y el exilio en América Latina. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Said, E. (2003). Reflexões sobre o Exílio e outros ensaios. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras.

Roniger, L. (2014). Destierro y Exilio en América Latina: nuevos estudios y avances teóricos. Buenos Aires: EUDEBA.