Time in Other(s) Terms: Traditional and Divergent Modalities of Temporalization and the Pluralistic Imagination

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Guilherme Bianchi


In this article I propose to address the effects of the disciplinary tradition in contact with the emerging discourses on time in contemporary indigenous Colombia. I start with a reflection on the concepts of history and nature in the German hermeneutic-phenomenological tradition in order to understand the limits and possibilities inscribed in a given expression of modern historical thought. Then, I seek to speculate to what extent these conceptions are affected by the practical and political experiences of the Misak living in the Colombian Andes and their internal modalities of temporality, which move away from totalizing theoretical assumptions. I conclude that a possible way to produce distension in the disciplinary language is from a critical pluralism, which is capable of visualizing and relating productively in the midst of epistemic and conceptual conflicts.

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Dossier: La escritura de la historia y la crítica de la colonialidad


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