The case of Hipólito Piñero: vicissitudes of a family to continue.


  • Andrea Reguera Instituto de Estudios Histórico-Sociales Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires





In patrimony formation process, it is necessary to distinguish patrimony (the whole material and immaterial things (utilities) of a person and the rights over them), from patrimonial behaviours (this means the motivations of a person in the process of accumulation, reproduction and transmission of the capital). Instead of the point of view adopted is the individual one, we will havein charge the composition of familiar structures (although they could be diversified, for a determinate moment and time, it is possible to find some dominant forms); the kind of familiar relations (between parents and sons and among brothers, what conduce us to state the problem between authority freedom; economic dependence-economic independence; preferences, predilections, favoritism-relegation, repulses, rejections); and the ties and belonging to nets (ties of compaternity, parentage, friendship, clientship, loyalty, favours and politic adhesions with the vinculums with the power, what would allow to obtain the benefit through the influence and the intermediation).


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Author Biography

  • Andrea Reguera, Instituto de Estudios Histórico-Sociales Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires


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How to Cite

The case of Hipólito Piñero: vicissitudes of a family to continue. (2003). Anuario Del Centro De Estudios Históricos Profesor Carlos S. A. Segreti, 2-3, 17-40.