The vision of “race”. Notes for a study of racial types photography in Argentina


  • Sergio Caggiano Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social.



photograph, racial types, Argentina


This article shows some notes, considerations and, mainly, questions about photographies of racial types in Argentina, more precisely in the argentine anthropology of late s. XIX and early XX. The photographies of “type” have played a key role in the production of the modern concept of “race” itself. After synthesizing the contributions of some authors to understand this, the article pays attention to some early photos of the local anthropology. They lead to make two kinds of questions. Ones of them about the role the local photographies of racial types could have played in the configuration of the concept of “race” that would spread through the world. Others about the social relations which can be read -frozen in such images. A general concern that holds the text is expressed (or better, shown) from the begining: to what extent this way of seeing may be present or reactualized in contemporary visual devices?


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Author Biography

Sergio Caggiano, Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social.

Investigador Asistente - CONICET en el Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social (IDES). Investigador posdoctoral, FU - Berlin. Profesor Adjunto, FPyCS, UNLP.


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How to Cite

Caggiano, S. (2013). The vision of “race”. Notes for a study of racial types photography in Argentina. Revista Del Museo De Antropología, 6(1), 107–118.



Social Anthropology