Scraping Archaeology: A Methodological Approach from the Web Scraping and Text Mining




R, Web scraping, Text mining, Data analytics, Digital Archaeology


As the amount of information available on the web increases, so does the task of locating and analysing it, and performing this task manually can be costly in terms of time and effort. Although search engines and database engines can help to find the required information, in large digital infrastructures where search results are in the thousands - or more - new tools are needed to effectively retrieve the searched content. This paper proposes the application of Web Scraping and Text Mining as methodological inputs to be able to compile and process large volumes of data in digital infrastructures in a more automated way. The automation of both processes provides a great advantage in analysing textual corpora of thousands of records, which significantly simplifies the collection of different types of data, facilitating the work considerably. It is hoped that this contribution will expand the possibilities of the archaeological community in terms of a novel methodology for the collection and handling of structured and unstructured data that can be integrated into the research of the wider archaeological community.


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How to Cite

Aguilar, H. (2023). Scraping Archaeology: A Methodological Approach from the Web Scraping and Text Mining. Revista Del Museo De Antropología, 16(2), 439–450.



Dossier: Digital Archaeology, repositories, protocols and application cases