Community of phytophagous insects and natural enemies associated to Amaranthus hypochondriacus L. crops in the central region of Córdoba (Argentina)

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Patricia Fichetti
Gerardo Mario Grosso
María Laura Moscardó
Delia Susana Avalos
Adriana Elizabeth Chalup
Gabriel Horacio Galván


Among the main limitations for the production of amaranth, various species of phytophagous insects are pointed out. The objective of this study was to contribute to the knowledge of the herbivore species and its natural enemies associated with this crop, determining density, times of appearance and their relationship with the phenological stages. To obtain specimens of phytophagous and predators, weekly samplings were carried out, from emergence to physiological maturity of the crop in experimental plots of Amaranthus hypochondriacus located in the School Field of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, National University of Córdoba in the agricultural campaigns of the years 2016, 2017 and 2019. Parasitoids were obtained from Lepidoptera larvae. The insect community consisted of 5 orders, 21 families and 40 species. Coleoptera showed the highest abundance of specimens. The importance of the defoliating caterpillars Achyra similalis and the two species of borers Conotrachelus histrio and Aerenea quadriplagiata was highlighted due to their presence and abundance in the reproductive stage of the crop. From Lepidoptera larvae, six species of parasitoids (Hymenoptera and Diptera) were obtained. Mainly associated with small caterpillars and colonies of aphids, six species of predators were also recorded (Coleoptera, Hemiptera and Diptera).


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How to Cite
Fichetti, P., Grosso, G. M., Moscardó, M. L., Avalos, D. S., Chalup, A. E. ., & Galván, G. H. (2022). Community of phytophagous insects and natural enemies associated to Amaranthus hypochondriacus L. crops in the central region of Córdoba (Argentina). AgriScientia, 39(1), 93–103.


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