Evaluation of technological, nutritional and sensory quality of cereal bars with quinoa.

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M. E. Steffolani
M. C. Bustos
M. E. Ferreyra
A. E. Leon


Quinoa seed (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) is characterized by a balanced composition, rich in proteins, fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants; so, it can be incorporated into the formulation of cereal bars in order to increase  the nutritional value of the daily diet. Therefore, the objective of this work was to study the effect of quinoa seed incorporation on the technological,  nutritional and sensory quality of cereal bars. Three samples of cereal bars were prepared with different percentages of substitution of crispy rice with  quinoa seeds and a control (without addition of quinoa). An increase in weight  and a decrease in he length of the cereal bars were observed, as the level of quinoa increased
in the formulation. The hardness of the bars was affected, obtaining softer
bars when they had quinoa in their formulation. The incorporation of quinoa generated an increase in the content of minerals, proteins and dietary fiber of the final product. In addition, the quinoa cereal bars showed a slower starch digestibility. Consumers liked the taste of quinoa bars and they also had good overall acceptability.



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Steffolani, M. E., Bustos, M. C., Ferreyra, M. E., & Leon, A. E. (2017). Evaluation of technological, nutritional and sensory quality of cereal bars with quinoa. AgriScientia, 34(2), 33–43. https://doi.org/10.31047/1668.298x.v34.n2.19039


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