Sensory profile and preference map for Argentinian honeys of different floral origins

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Lucrecia Pozzo
María Cristina Ciappini
Pilar Díaz
Lucía Arias


Identifying the sensory properties that affect consumer preferences and choices is very important. Different methods, such as external preference mapping, are used to establish relationships between sensory characteristics and consumer preferences. In this work, consumer perceptions based on sensory attributes such as taste, colour, texture and smell of eight honeys were studied to obtain information valuable for increasing the domestic honey market in Argentina. The honeys were sensorially characterized by an eight-member panel of evaluators, while 388 consumers assessed their preference for them. After performing a principal component analysis with the results of the sensory evaluation by trained evaluators, a preference map was carried out. Colour and physical condition were found to be the most notable characteristics for establishing preference; smell and aroma complemented the decision. All honey found consumers who chose them for their consumption, so the strategy to increase honey sales in the Argentinian domestic market should focus on providing information about other uses and benefits offered by this natural product.

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How to Cite
Sensory profile and preference map for Argentinian honeys of different floral origins. (2022). AgriScientia, 39(1), 133-152.

How to Cite

Sensory profile and preference map for Argentinian honeys of different floral origins. (2022). AgriScientia, 39(1), 133-152.


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