Reference evapotranspiration variation between 1968 and 2018 in Córdoba (Argentina) under the influence of wind speed and thermal amplitude

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Antonio de la Casa
Gustavo Gabriel Ovando
Guillermo José Díaz


This work assessed the difference between daily reference evapotranspiration rate (ETo) calculated by the Penman-Monteith method (PM) with the complete set of meteorological variables and that obtained using only thermal records and a constant surface velocity (u2) of 2 m s-1 (PMxn),employing meteorological data from the weather stations Río Cuarto Aero (RC), Marcos Juárez Aero (MJ), Pilar Observatorio (PI) and Villa Dolores Aero (VD) between 1968 and 2018. The difference between ETo rates resulting from PM and PMxn increases linearly with the increase in u2, so that the use of PMxn should be restricted only to places and days with lower u2. The annual ETo values obtained with both procedures show a fluctuation between 1968 and 2018, with decreasing values until the 1990s, when rainfall shows maximum records in the region, and increasing since then. While the thermal amplitude (AT) in PI, MJ and RC shows a fluctuation analogous to ETo, in MJ u2also exhibits a fluctuation in phase with ETo and in VD only u2 presents the long-term variation concurrent to ETo. Solely RC showed an increasing linear trend of ETo.

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Reference evapotranspiration variation between 1968 and 2018 in Córdoba (Argentina) under the influence of wind speed and thermal amplitude. (2022). AgriScientia, 39(1), 29-47.

How to Cite

Reference evapotranspiration variation between 1968 and 2018 in Córdoba (Argentina) under the influence of wind speed and thermal amplitude. (2022). AgriScientia, 39(1), 29-47.


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