Length of the rainfall cycle in the province of Córdoba (Argentina) and its use in the choice of alternative crops.
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A method for predicting the duration of the rainy season at the onset is sought using three different methods to calculate the beginning, end, and length of the rainy season in semiarid and subhumid regions of Córdoba province, Argentina. Using multivariate analysis, a prediction function of the length of the growing season (DUR), based on the onset date (COM) and the geographic location (LONG) for each site, was obtained. Using historical information from departmental yield series, a suggested practice is assessed: if the onset of rains is delayed, sorghum should be favored over maize and vice versa. The suggested crop selection scheme was not practical in Río Cuarto department, but it seems useful in Río Segundo and Tercero Arriba (having a shorter mean length of the growing season), which produced an 84% fit with the observed performance and 68% with the prediction function.
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