Incidence of rainfall on Falling Number values in triticale.
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Triticale varieties and experimental lines from the College of Agronomy of the National University of Córdoba, Argentina, and from the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), Mexico, were used to examine the effect of rainfall on the grain Falling Number (FN) value (viscosimetric test for the indirect measurement of α-amylase activity), a grain characteristic associated with pre-harvest sprouting. The raining periods examined were: a) from sowing to harvesting, b) from anthesis to harvesting, and c) at harvesting. All triticale genotypes showed a decrease in their FN values, associated with an increase in the amount of rainfall. The amount of rain from sowing to harvesting and from anthesis to harvesting showed a larger effect on FN than the amount of rain at harvest.
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