Review: The air of each day. Policy and Measurement of Air Pollution in Mexico City (1960-2015) by Natalia Verónica Soto Coloballes



In her work El aire de cada día. Política y medición de la contaminación atmosférica en la Ciudad de México (1960-2015) Natalia Verónica Soto Coloballes (2021) presents three important moments in the local construction of the notion of air quality in Mexico City since the 1960s. Her book is a cultural history of science and technology as well as a laboratory ethnography framed within the history of national and international environmental regulations and political decisions. This multidisciplinary perspective elucidates the epistemic, technical, and political choices that have influenced the construction of the notion of urban air quality in relation to air pollution in the Valley of Mexico.


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Author Biography

Heber Vázquez Jiménez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)

Maestrando en el Posgrado en Filosofía de la Ciencia de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)


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How to Cite

Vázquez Jiménez, H. (2021). Review: The air of each day. Policy and Measurement of Air Pollution in Mexico City (1960-2015) by Natalia Verónica Soto Coloballes. Epistemología E Historia De La Ciencia, 6(1), 204–207. Retrieved from