Review of Pierre Bourdieu et l'art de l'invention scientifique. Enquêter au Centre de sociologie européenne (1959-1969) under the direction of Julien Duval, Johan Heilbron y Pernelle Issenhuth




Pierre Bourdieu, Centro de Sociologia Europea, Historia social de la ciencia


The purpose is to present the most recent research findings in the field of the social history of French social science, specifically that developed in the last twenty years around the sociology of Pierre Bourdieu. To this end, the book edited by Julien Duval, Johan Heilbron and Pernelle Issenhuth, Pierre Bourdieu et l'art de l'invention scientifique. Enquêter au Centre de sociologie europpéenne (1959-1969), published in January 2022 by Classiques Garnier (Paris), being number ten in their Bibliothèque des sciences sociales collection, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the death of the celebrated sociologist. Some critical observations and reflections are made on the relevance of this work for the Latin American social sciences.


Book Review: Pierre Bourdieu et l’art de l’invention scientifique. Enquêter au Centre de sociologie européenne (1959–1969) edited by Julien Duval, Johan Heilbron y Pernelle Issenhuth. DOI: 10.48611/isbn.978-2-406-12405-4


Joly, M. (2022). Pierre Bourdieu y el paradigma sociológico. Tirant lo Blanch-Universidad de Guadalajara, Colección Tirant Humanidades. México.

Steinmetz, G. y Fassin, D. (Eds.). (2023). The Social Sciences in the Looking-Glass. Studies in the Production of Knowledge. Duke University Press.




How to Cite

Review of Pierre Bourdieu et l’art de l’invention scientifique. Enquêter au Centre de sociologie européenne (1959-1969) under the direction of Julien Duval, Johan Heilbron y Pernelle Issenhuth. (2024). Epistemología E Historia De La Ciencia, 8(1).