Historical Sketch of Electro-magnetism

Translation of the second article by Michael Faraday





Michael Faraday, electricity, magnetism, electromagnetism


This document shows the scientific scenario that was configured from the publication of the results of Hans Christian Ørsted's needle experiment. The diversity of experiences and the explanations that arise in this context, are arranged and summarized by Michael Faraday in a series of three publications in the Annals of Philosophy magazine, where he takes up the experiment of the danish scientist (1821), and gives a sketch of advances in the field of electromagnetism (1821/1822), in which he includes his own experiences. At the same time, the questions that are being constituted regarding the nature of electricity and magnetism suggest a position in which mass and action are rethought with respect to the newtonian framework, while space begins to acquire an active and preponderant role in the physical phenomena.


Ampere, A. (1820). Mémoire Présenté à l’ Académie royale des Sciences, le 2 octobre 1820, où se trouve compris le résume de ce qui avait élé lu à la méme Académie les 18 et 25 septembre 1820, sur les effects des courans électriques. En: R. Tricker. Early Electrodynamics the first law of circulation (pp. 140-154).Birmingham: Pegamon Press,

Assis, A. y Chaib, J. (2015). Ampere´s Electrodynamics. Montreal: Apeiron.

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Davy, H. (1821). On the magnetic phaenomena produced by electricity. Annals of Philosophy, 2 (2), p. 81-89.

Davy, H. (1822). On the magnetic phaenomena produced by electricity. Annals of Philosophy, 3 (1), p. 1-10.

Faraday, M. (1821). Historical Sketch of Electro-magnetism. Annals of Philosophy, 2 (3), p. 195-199.

Faraday, M. (1821). Historical Sketch of Electromagnetism. Annals of Philosophy, 2 (4), p. 274-290.

Fresnel, A. (1820). Note sur des Essais ayant pour but de décomposer l’eau avec un aimant. Annales de chimie et physique, (15), p. 219- 222.

Moll, G. (1821). Account of the Electro-Magnetic apparatus of Lieut-Col Offerhaus. The Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, 5, p. 352-355.

Rees, A. (1820). Cyclopaedia; Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Literature. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown.




How to Cite

Historical Sketch of Electro-magnetism: Translation of the second article by Michael Faraday. (2024). Epistemología E Historia De La Ciencia, 8(1). https://doi.org/10.61377/ehc.39992