Wikis and the Editing Process


  • María Dolores Sestopal Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Evangelina Aguirre Sotelo Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Fernanda Nieto Femenía Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


wikis, revision process, translation teaching, translation competence, cybercultural competence


Wikis constitute a collaborative learning environment ideal for the development of students’ translation competence since they allow participants to add or modify the content proposed in a given task through a collaborative process (Castro López-Tarruella, 2004). Consequently, the systematic use of wikis would be helpful to approach the different stages in the translation process, and this would transform them into a powerful tool that could be used for different purposes. Within the translation process, one of the greatest challenges is the development of the necessary skills to correctly edit a translation. Through a learning experience in a virtual classroom from a postgraduate course in the Specialization in Translation at the School of Languages, National University of Córdoba, the need to work on the revision process in a systematic way was detected. To that end, it was necessary to analyze the specific aspects that students were not able to develop fully in relation to this process. The hypothesis considered was that students tend to overcorrect their peers’ translations, and, as a result, they tend to introduce errors. In order to test this hypothesis, the students’ interventions in a wiki when editing their peers’ translations were analyzed. The revision parameters proposed by Mossop (2001) were used in order to design a scale that would allow the analysis of the students’ application of these parameters, namely, translation errors related to transfer, content, language, and presentation. In this paper, the revision task proposed will be described together with their objectives and methodology. Moreover, the results of the application of the error scale will be analyzed to evaluate the hypothesis, and finally, a pedagogical proposal will be presented on the basis of this analysis, to facilitate the development of the student´s editing and cybercultural competences (Levy, 2007) necessary for students to be adequately inserted in the current translation working environment. This proposal is part of the project «Technological and Didactic Translation and Interpretation Mediation: from Linguistic Engineering to the New Didactic Settings» from the research group DITTIC, supported by a grant from the Science and Technology Secretariat of the National University of Córdoba.


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How to Cite

Sestopal, M. D. ., Aguirre Sotelo, E., & Nieto Femenía, F. (2022). Wikis and the Editing Process. Nueva ReCIT : Revista Del área De traductología, (5). Retrieved from


