Diseño de un corpus para la alfabetización académica de estudiantes de traducción


  • Paula Liendo Universidad Nacional del Comahue
  • Stella M. Maluenda Universidad Nacional del Comahue
  • Norma Maure


academic literacy, translator training, corpus design, materials design, translation competence


The discursive approach is widely accepted in the field of translation, as it conceives the text as a unit of communication which is subjected to the context where it is produced (Lvovskaya, as cited in Vila Barbosa, 2013). However, the traditional methods and books used in current translation programs at university introduce grammatical structures, lexical items and discursive organizations which greatly differ from those found in authentic texts (Tolchinsky, 2014; Bernardini, 2006). In order to breach such gap, this article presents the design of a corpus to be used for the elaboration of didactic materials to teach English as a second language to translation students. This work is part of Research Project J031 «Academic literacy and textual genres in the teaching of English for translation» (UNCo, 2018-2021). 

The hypothesis of this work is that the design of a corpus of authentic texts will encourage classroom discussion of the discursive features of texts in English among translation trainees. The development of different strategies will be taken into account, such as documentation strategies, awareness about similarities and differences between text types, and other translation-relevant skills (Bernardini, 2006; Arhire, 2015). Both Research Project J031 and this article are anchored in the theoretical framework of Academic Literacy, mainly in the contributions made by Bazerman (2013) and the Writing Across the Curriculum movement, as well as by Genre Theory (Swales, 2004). This theory proposes the analysis of texts within the community where they are used and according to the function they fill in it. As for the corpus, it is defined as a collection of pieces of language text in electronic form, selected according to external criteria to represent, as far as possible, a language or language variety as a source of data for linguistic research (Sinclair, as cited in Tolchinsky, 2014). The methodology applied in this work follows the corpus characterization proposed by Tolchinsky (2014): a collection of written, complete (two-page-long) texts, which are specific (belonging to different subjects taught at the Translation Program, UNCo), annotated (containing linguistic information in the form of tags), and accompanied by a classification tool (designed by the research team to facilitate cross-referencing of data and materials design). It can be preliminarily concluded that the application of the corpus in the language classroom may contribute to the development of stronger translation strategies in students and tighter links between theory, practice, research and training (Arhire, 2015) in translation.


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How to Cite

Liendo, P. ., Maluenda, S. M. ., & Maure, N. . (2022). Diseño de un corpus para la alfabetización académica de estudiantes de traducción. Nueva ReCIT : Revista Del área De traductología, (5). Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/ReCIT/article/view/37120


