
  • Francisca Caballol-Avendaño Facultad de Enfermería de la Universidad Andrés Bello. Santiago. Chile.
  • Alejandra Flores-Hoyos Facultad de Enfermería de la Universidad Andrés Bello. Santiago. Chile.
  • Josue Guerra-Cruz Facultad de Enfermería de la Universidad Andrés Bello. Santiago. Chile.
  • Francisca Morales-Vizcarra Facultad de Enfermería de la Universidad Andrés Bello. Santiago. Chile.
  • Katiuska Lidice Reynaldos-Grandón Facultad de Enfermería. Universidad Andrés Bello. Santiago. Chile. http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8275-6826




Burnout syndrome, Nursing, COVID-19, Stress


The COVID-19 pandemic has generated burnout syndrome in nurses. Objective: To identify preventive measures of burnout syndrome in nurses in times of COVID-19 pandemic. Methodology: Narrative review conducted between August and December 2020, in the databases: PubMed, Scielo, Elsevier, Medline and Cinahl, applying the search engines: burnout syndrome, nurs*, pandemic, covid 19, stress, management, with the Boolean operators AND, OR. We searched for articles published during the year 2020 in English and Spanish. Theses and conference abstracts were excluded. A spreadsheet was used for data collection and analysis.  From a total of 626 articles, 17 were selected for analysis.

Result: Preventive measures for burnout syndrome in nurses were classified into two categories: I.- Organizational Strategies, which are subdivided into 9 aspects: 1) mental and physical health, 2) work environment, 3) teamwork, 4) work shift, 5) support groups, 6) online assistance, 7) training, 8) structure/functioning and 9) health policies. II.-Personal Strategies, focusing on 1) communication, 2) self-care and 3) stress management techniques.

Conclusions: To prevent burnout in nursing in times of pandemic, both organizational and personal measures are fundamental. It is suggested to incorporate programs focused on mental health, to ensure that institutions have the necessary resources to face crises and to promote constant communication. In addition, promote the application and deepening of these measures in the current and future health crises, for the benefit of the labor welfare of nurses in the world.


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Author Biography

Katiuska Lidice Reynaldos-Grandón, Facultad de Enfermería. Universidad Andrés Bello. Santiago. Chile.

Enfermera-matrona. Ingeniero Comercial. Magíster en Administración de Empresas-MBA,  Master Executive en Gestión Internacional de la Empresa,Master en Dirección y Organización de Empresas Doctor en Ciencias Empresariales. Profesor Asociado, Facultad de Enfermería Universidad Andrés Bello, Santiago, Chile


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How to Cite

Caballol-Avendaño F, Flores-Hoyos A, Guerra-Cruz J, Morales-Vizcarra F, Reynaldos-Grandón KL. BURNOUT SYNDROME PREVENTION IN NURSING AT PANDEMIC COVID-19: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW. Rev. Salud Pública (Córdoba) [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 27 [cited 2024 Jul. 17];26(2):48-59. Available from: https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/RSD/article/view/33447

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