The wind of the Cold War blows over the Americas: The Cuba- USSR relationships seen by the Brazilian diplomacy (1959-1962)


  • Charles Sidarta Instituto Federal Sul-rio-grandense


Cuban Revolution, Cold War, Organization of American States (OAS)


This article discusses how the Cuban Revolution significantly altered the relations among the countries in the American continent. For the Kennedy government, Fidel Castro represented the greatest intimidation to his hegemonic domination in the Americas. In a period of less than two years, there were many disputes between the United States of America and the Republic of Cuba. Some of them were treated with diplomacy level, but others, were treated through the use of military force. Brazil did not go beyond these disputes. According to its Política Externa Independente, the Goulart government was involved in the Cuba issue. Even in the midst of the emergence of a new Council of Ministers and concerned about the elections that would happen, the Brazilian government was paying attention to that small island in the Caribbean and to the actions of the US government. One of them, in particular, was the object of great interest by President João Goulart and Prime Minister Hermes Lima: the meeting of Secretary of State Dean Rusk with representatives of the Latin American countries at the Organization of American States (OAS).


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Artículos de Dossier “El legado de Fidel Castro y la revolución en Cuba y América Latina”

How to Cite

The wind of the Cold War blows over the Americas: The Cuba- USSR relationships seen by the Brazilian diplomacy (1959-1962). (2017). Journal Red Intercátedras De Historia De América Latina Contemporánea , 7, 68-91.