Programs linked to family farming in Argentina

a possibility to enliven the ecological functions of the library and school in rural contexts


  • Natalia Duque Cardona Universidad de Antioquia
  • Dayro León Quintero López Universidad de Antioquia
  • Alderlan Wellington de Oliveira Silva Universidad de Antioquia
  • Diana Carolina Osorio Tabares Universidad de Antioquia
  • Juan David Lopera-Mazo Universidad de Antioquia
  • Fernando A. López Universidad Metropolitana para la Educación y el Trabajo



Libraries, Culture, Peasant economies, Education, School, Family agriculture, Argentina


This paper is derived from the research Reading education and its connection with peasant, family and community economies (ECFC): a look through cultural contexts (libraries) and schools (rural schools), the case of Argentina, the which aims to understand how, through reading education, rural libraries and schools can contribute to the strengthening of peasant economies in countries that have strengthened family farming policies, such as Argentina. The article presents, through a critical documentary review, some of the programs linked to the Social and Solidarity Economies (ESyS) and Popular Economies (PE) that give life to the family agriculture public policy in Argentina, to explore through these the possibilities that the library and school have to strengthen their ecological and economic functions. Initially, a brief introduction is proposed in relation to ruralities in Latin America and the Caribbean. The methodology used for the documentary review of the selected programs is presented below. Below, some of the programs are studied in light of their objectives, thematic lines and possible links with education and culture. Finally, some ideas are presented on how these can contribute to strengthening the social functions of the library and school in rural contexts by resuming the learning obtained.


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How to Cite

Duque Cardona, N., Quintero López, D. L., Oliveira Silva, A. W. de, Osorio Tabares, D. C., Lopera-Mazo, J. D., & López, F. A. (2024). Programs linked to family farming in Argentina: a possibility to enliven the ecological functions of the library and school in rural contexts. Revista Prefacio, 8(12), 30–40.


