Dynamics of management and representation of heritage collections
School libraries, Local collection, Centenary collections, Evaluation of collections, Documentary funds, Organization of information, Organization of knowledge, Cultural heritageAbstract
The thematic bibliographic collection with heritage value is raised in the library of the General San Martín Secondary School in the province of Corrientes, considered cultural heritage. The study of the sources that make up the collection is approached from international and national jurisprudence, in particular law No. 4047/85 and its regulatory decree No. 2671/86 at the provincial level.
This article aims to represent and evaluate the volume, themes, edition, provenance, location and level of access of the sources of the historical collection of the bibliographic fund in order to enable its declaration and incorporation into the cultural heritage records.
The work adopted methods for evaluating quali-quantitative collections, direct examination of the collections (in-situ collection of shelves), use of statistics, taking into account the variables dimension, scope, depth and relevance of the collection; and formal description and thematic representation from natural language.
Observation techniques, documentary analysis and interviews were applied, managing to interact with the agents responsible for the library.
The results obtained will allow the management, valuation and protection of documents related to culture and history (regional and local), and guarantee their correct conservation and useful life for future generations.
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