Data production in museum education in Brazil

Knowing the field to promote it



museums, museum education, search


This is the research on Data Production in Museum Education, carried out in 2019 by the National Historical Museum, through its Education Center, in an association that included the Coordination of Social Museology and Education of the Brazilian Institute of Museums, the Secretary of State for Culture and Creative Economy of São Paulo, Secretary of State for Culture and Creative Economy of Rio de Janeiro and Municipal Secretary of Culture of São Paulo. The developments of two questionnaires applied between museums and professionals from institutions linked to these public bodies are presented, which collected data on the structure of educational work and the profile of professionals from 49 Brazilian museums, focusing on the data collected between the museums of the Institute Brazilian of Museums. The subsequent developments of the research in the sense of consolidating the production of information in museum education at the national level in Brazil are highlighted.


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Author Biographies

Fernanda Santana Rabello de Castro, Museo Histórico Nacional

Historiadora, doctora en educación, actualmente tiene una maestría en Museología y Patrimonio en la Universidad Federal de Rio Grande do Sul. Es educadora de museos, Directora Sustituta del Museo Histórico Nacional y miembro de la coordinación del Comité de Acción Educativa y Cultural del Consejo Internacional de Museos de Brasil. Lidera el Gpem-MHN. Es profesora del Programa de Maestría Profesional en Enseñanza de la Historia de la UNIRIO.

Marielle Costa Gonçalves, Instituto Brasileño de Museos

Licenciada en Artes Visuales (2009). Servidora del Instituto Brasileño de Museos, desde 2018, es jefe de la División de Educación de la Coordinación de Museos Sociales y Educativos, área responsable de las acciones relacionadas con la Política Nacional de Educación en Museos y la plataforma Saber Museo, además de brindar apoyo técnico. asesoramiento a los sectores educativos de los Museos gestionados por Ibram. Miembro del Consejo de Formación y Formación Técnica del Programa IberMuseos y del Gpem-MHN.


IBRAM. (2017) Documento Final da Política Nacional de Educação Museal. Brasília, Brasil: Ibram. Disponível em: <>.

IBRAM. (2011) Museus em números. Vol. 1. Brasília, Brasil: Ibram. Disponível em: <>.



How to Cite

Santana Rabello de Castro, F., & Costa Gonçalves, M. (2022). Data production in museum education in Brazil: Knowing the field to promote it. EducaMuseo, 1. Retrieved from


