Pedagogías del territorio.

Una experiencia de reproducción de lo común en La Quebrada del Tala- Catamarca


  • Mariela Analía Pistarelli Universidad Nacional de Catamarca
  • Juan Bautista Coronel Roso Universidad Nacional de Catamarca


Extensión, Territorios, Bienes comunes


In this paper we share the experience we have been going through for several years in the territory of La Quebrada del Tala, Capital Department - Catamarca, where diverse rationalities and logics of life reproduction are involved. We have seen a dynamic of concentration and dispossession under the demands of mercantile rationality, confronted with another reproduction of life in common that deploys alternative practices, knowledge and sensibilities and recreates a way of inhabiting the territory as a refuge. The members of the Cigali Mayu Neighborhood Union, some fifty families who arrived a little more than two decades ago, are the ones who try out such life processes in a respectful relationship with nature. We intend to reflect on how our extensionist practices contribute to the disputes of those who conceive a territoriality of life based on common habitation, participating in those actions and territorial policies that they develop in their defense. Likewise, we seek to assess to what extent barter fairs, seed exchange and community gardens configure pedagogical territories that facilitate an integrating dialogue between the fields of academic training and community educational practices, as alternatives to training paths that protect the processes of appropriation and dispossession in communities and territories. We wonder to what extent our practices enable the problematization of the processes of dispossession and extractivism in the studied territory? Are they being effective in such disputes, in favor of a pedagogy of the territory that attributes value to the knowledge built with the community? Affiliating ourselves to the critical extension, we recover jointly produced participatory methodologies, such as collective mapping and word circles, to address their territorial disputes, in favor of the pedagogical ethical condition of reciprocity and care of the commons, of the sustainability of life in common.


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How to Cite

Pedagogías del territorio. : Una experiencia de reproducción de lo común en La Quebrada del Tala- Catamarca. (2024). E+E: Estudios De Extensión En Humanidades, 11(18), 84-97.